e-Rum2020 Conference Materials


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Keynote 1 - Stephanie Hicks - Life Sciences

Using R and data science to improve human health

Keynote 2 - Jared Lander - Applications

Applying R at Work

Keynote 3 - Francesco Bartolucci - Machine Learning & Models

Latent Markov models for longitudinal data in R by LMest package

Keynote 4 - Sharon Machlis - DataViz

What I Learned as an R Journalist

Keynote 5 - Tomas Kalibera - R World

The Invisible Work on R

Keynote 6 - Kelly O’Briant - R in Production

Reflections on two years of solutions engineering at RStudio

Invited Sessions

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Invited Session 1 - Life Sciences / CovidR / R World

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Multi-Omics Factor Analysis Plus: A probabilistic framework for comprehensive and scalable integration of multi-modal data

COVID-19 Data Hub

COVOID: Modelling COVID-19 Transmission and Interventions

Building Agile data products leveraging the R package structure

Invited Session 2 - Machine Learning & Models / DataViz (Shiny) / Applications

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brquasi: Improved quasi-likelihood estimation

Better than Deep Learning: Gradient Boosting Machines (GBM) – with 2020 updates

Testing Shiny: What, why, and how.

From writing code to infoRming policy: a case study of reproducible research in transport planning

Invited Session 3 - Shiny / R in Production / R World

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CRANalerts: A Shinyapp-as-a-Service for Impatient R Users

And you thought CRAN was harsh

How to improve your R package

dplyr 1.0.0

Parallel Sessions

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Parallel Session 1 - Machine Learning

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Deduplicating real estate ads using Naive Bayes record linkage

Hydrological Modelling and R

gWQS: An R Package for Linear and Generalized Weighted Quantile Sum (WQS) Regression

Flexible Meta-Analysis of Generalized Additive Models with metagam

Parallel Session 2 - Life Sciences

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CONNECTOR: a computational approach to study intratumor heterogeneity

EPIMOD: A computational framework for studying epidemiological systems

How to apply R in a hospital environment on standard available hospital-wide data

APFr: Average Power Function and Bayes FDR for Robust Brain Networks Construction

Parallel Session 3 - Applications / R in Production

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Using process mining principles to extract a collaboration graph from a version control system log

Design Patterns For Big Shiny Apps

Fake News: AI on the battle ground

progressr: An Inclusive, Unifying API for Progress Updates

Parallel Session 4 - Life Sciences

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Interpretable and accessible Deep Learning for omics data with R and friends

GeneTonic: enjoy RNA-seq data analysis, responsibly

DaMiRseq 2.0: from high dimensional data to cost-effective reliable prediction models

A simple and flexible inactivity/sleep detection R package

Parallel Session 5 - R World

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The R Consortium 2020: adapting to rapid change and global crisis

CorrelAidX - Building R-focused Communities for Social Good on the Local Level

From consulting to open-source and back

{polite}: web etiquette for R users

Parallel Session 6 - R in Production / R World

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Powering Turing e-Atlas with R

Dplyr snowflake integration for cloud based massive and fast data manipulation

Supporting R in the Binder Community

Parallel Session 7 - Data Visualization & Shiny

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Transparent Journalism Through the Power of R

Elevating shiny module with {tidymodules}

Interactive visualization of complex texts

What’s New in ShinyProxy

Parallel Session 8 - Machine Learning & Models

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Voronoi Linkage for Spatially Misaligned Data

Astronomical source detection and background separation: a Bayesian nonparametric approach

High dimensional sampling and volume computation

BNPmix: an new package to estimate Bayesian nonparametric mixtures

Parallel Session 9 - R in Production

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Be proud of your code! Tools and patterns for making production-ready, clean R code

R alongside Airflow, Docker and Gitlab CI

Using XGBoost, Plumber and Docker in production to power a new banking product

Creating drag-and-drop shiny applications using sortable

Parallel Session 10 - Machine Learning / Applications

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FastAI in R: preserving wildlife with computer vision

Manifoldgstat: an R package for spatial statistics of manifold data

varycoef: Modeling Spatially Varying Coefficients

Computer Algebra Systems in R

Lightning Talks

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Lightning Talks 1 - Data Visualization & Production

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Time Series Missing Data Visualizations

effectclass: an R package to interpret effects and visualise uncertainty

Supporting Twitter analytics application with graph-databases and the aRangodb package

dm: working with relational data models in R

An innovative way to support your sales force

Keeping on top of R in Real-Time, High-Stakes trading systems

Lightning Talks 2 - Life Sciences

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An enriched disease risk assessment model based on historical blood donors records

A principal component analysis based method to detect biomarker captation from vibrational spectra

ptmixed: an R package for flexible modelling of longitudinal overdispersed count data

Differential Enriched Scan 2 (DEScan2): an R pipeline for epigenomic analysis

Reproducible Data Visualization with CanvasXpress

Using open-access data to derive genome composition of emerging viruses

Lightning Talks 3 - Machine Learning

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Ultra fast penalized regressions with R package {bigstatsr}

Explaining black-box models with xspliner to make deliberate business decisions

One-way non-normal ANOVA in reliability analysis using with doex

Analyzing Preference Data with the BayesMallows Package

Flexible deep learning via the JuliaConnectoR

Lightning Talks 4 - Applications

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rdwd: R interface to German Weather Service data

tv: Show Data Frames in the Browser

Predicting the Euro 2020 results using tournament rank probabilities scores from the socceR package

Design your own quantum simulator with R

What are the potato eaters eating

Towards more structured data quality assessment in the process mining field: the DaQAPO package

Shiny Demos

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Shiny Demo 1 - Machine Learning & Applications

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A demonstration of ABACUS: Apps Based Activities for Communicating and Understanding Statistics

tsviz: a data-scientist-friendly addin for RStudio

Media Shiny: Marketing Mix Models Builder

Scoring the Implicit Association Test has never been easier: DscoreApp

rTRhexNG: Hexagon sticker app for rTRNG

How green is your portfolio ? Tracking C02 footprint in the insurance sector

Shiny Demo 2 - Mobility & Spatial

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Visualising and Modelling Bike Sharing Mobility usage in the city of Milan

ESPRES: A shiny web tool to support River Basin Management planning in European Watersheds

Mobility scan

Developing Shiny applications to facilitate precision agriculture workflows

“GUInterp”: a Shiny GUI to support spatial interpolation

Poster Sessions

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Poster Session 1 - Life Sciences & Applications

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A flexible dashboard for monitoring platform trials

PRDA package: Enhancing Statistical Inference via Prospective and Retrospective Design Analysis

EasyReporting: a Bioconductor package for Reproducible Research implementation

NewWave: a scalable R package for the dimensionality reduction of single-cell RNA-seq

Integrating professional software engineering practices in medical research software

Dealing with changing administrative boundaries: The case of Swiss municipalities

Poster Session 2 - DataViz & Machine Learning

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Automate flexdashboard with GitHub

orf: Ordered Random Forests

Power Supply health status monitoring dashboard

First-year ICT students dropout predicting with R models

Benchmark Percentage Disjoint Data Splitting in Cross Validation for Assessing the Skill of Machine

badDEA: An R package for measuring firms’ efficiency adjusted by undesirable outputs

CorpFinder- a new application to identify Large Corporate Risks

Thematic Lounges

Thematic Lounge 1 - Developing Software and Careers in Life Sciences

Developing Software and Careers in Life Sciences

Thematic Lounge 2 - Building Community & Diversity

Building Community & Diversity

Thematic Lounge 3 - Data science: freelancing and business

Data science: freelancing and business


🎥 Playlist

Morning Workshops

Is R ready for Production? Let’s develop a Professional Shiny Application!

Image processing and computer vision with R

Explanation and exploration of machine learning models with R

Non-disclosive federated analysis in R

A unified approach for writing automatic reports: parameterization and generalization of R-Markdown

Build a website with blogdown in R

Afternoon Workshops

Reproducible workflows with the RENKU platform

How to build htmlwidgets

Semantic Web in R for Data Scientists

Advanced User Interfaces for Shiny Developers

Bring your R Application Safely to Production. Collaborate, Deploy, Automate