Dashboard to Monitor Covid-19 Pandemy in Italy
Vito Fanelli
This dashboard allows to monitor Covid-19 pandemy in Italy. It is based on daily data of Protezione Civile. The “Italy” section shows the number of total cases, actual cases, healed and deads at country level. It contains daily trends, moving averages and mortality rate. In the “Region” section there are the same information at regional level.
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<a href="https://milano-r.github.io/erum2020-covidr-contest/fanelli-covid-19-italy-dashboard.html"><img src="https://badgen.net/https/runkit.io/erum2020-covidr/badge/branches/master/fanelli-covid-19-italy-dashboard?cache=300" alt="eRum2020::CovidR"/></a>