MINT - Monitoring the Italian National and Regional Contagion Trends
Ilaria Ceppa et al., Kode Solutions
MINT is a Shiny dashboard developed to visualize and analyze in a simplified manner data on the spread of the COVID-19 virus in Italy. The web app uses publicly available data, published every day by Protezione Civile Italiana on github. The app automatically updates every day at 6:30pm. In the first tab the dashboard provides an overview of national data, visualizing trends and percent increments of various variables, whereas in the tab “Regional data” the user can select a specific region and explore the data at a regional level. Moreover, in the “Regional Trends” tab, we give the user an overall view of the trends of specific variables across all the regions, while in the “Regional Comparison” tab the user can compare two or more specific regions in terms of their trends and percent increment values over time. Finally, in the tab “Twitter overview”, the app shows the trends for the number of sent tweets and hashtags searches. This data was collected from Twitter from the end of February to the beginning of April.
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