COVID-19 in India - An Analysis
Srinath K R
COVID-19 in India - An Analysis is a dashboard/tracker made to understand the spread of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic across India. The data source is COVID-19 India API, a volunteer-driven API for COVID-19 stats in India which collects data from official press bulletins and reports released by various states. This project provides a summary of all types of cases reported, for the entire country in total and for each state; provides state-wise analysis with the help of a plot and a map and provides both cumulative and daily trends in cases. The main feature of this project is the SIR (Susceptible - Infectious - Recovered) model. This model has been applied for India for a period of 150 days starting from March 1, 2020. Based on this, R0 is also calculated.
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